Tobacco Settlement Unit

Notice to Participating Manufacturers

 Beginning February 19, 2019, all participating manufacturers must submit annual and supplemental certifications electronically through In order to do so, manufacturers must register with CertiVault by emailing After February 19, 2019, certifications submitted by participating manufacturers through any means other than CertiVault shall neither be accepted nor considered. This notice was posted on December 21, 2018, pursuant to the Tobacco Certification and Directory Rules, Ch. 2 §1(e). 


Notice to Wholesalers:

 Beginning February 19, 2019, all cigarette and RYO wholesalers must submit wholesaler reports electronically through CertiVault. In order to do so, wholesalers must register with CertiVault. Please visit for details.  After February 19, 2019, wholesaler reports submitted through any means other than through CertiVault shall neither be accepted nor considered, and the wholesaler shall be deemed in violation of Wyoming Statute § 9-4-1207, the consequence for which may include license revocation, under Wyoming Statute § 39-18-106(c)(i). This notice was posted on December 21, 2018, pursuant to the Tobacco Certification and Directory Rules, Ch. 2 §1(e).


Master Settlement Agreement

In 1998, the State of Wyoming entered into the Master Settlement Agreement with most of the major tobacco manufacturers. As a result of that settlement, the State enacted legislation establishing annual certification requirements for tobacco manufacturers and an official tobacco directory. The Attorney General's Office administers the certification and directory requirements.

Any tobacco product manufacturer who intends to sell cigarettes or roll your own tobacco in the State of Wyoming must complete the annual certification form by April 30th and have their brands listed in the tobacco directory. The Attorney General's Office accepts and reviews certifications for new tobacco product manufacturers between March 1st and April 30th each year. Only manufacturers whose certifications are officially accepted by the Office will have their tobacco product brands placed in the tobacco directory. The directory is published on June 1st of each year. Manufacturers whose certifications are rejected will not have their brands listed in the directory and will not be allowed to sell tobacco products within the State until a new certification is submitted and approved by the Office in a subsequent year.


The Directory of Certified Tobacco Product

Cigarettes and roll your own tobacco products must be listed in the Directory to be legal for sale or purchase in the State of Wyoming. This includes both retail counter sales as well as internet sales. The Directory is published annually on June 1st and updated monthly as necessary.

All retailers are responsible for knowing which cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco (“RYO”) brands are legal to sell in the State. Do not rely on wholesalers, manufacturer representatives, or anyone other than the Attorney General for this information. Click here for more information.

Directory Updates

If you wish to receive email notification regarding changes to the Directory, please email us at .


NPM Forms

2025 NPM Annual Certification Form

If you are a Participating Manufacturer, you must complete and submit your certification electronically through

2024 NPM Quarterly Escrow Certification

Model Escrow Agreement

The escrow agreements currently in use by nonparticipating tobacco product manufacturers and their escrow agents must be replaced with the Revised Model Escrow Agreement. The Model Escrow Agreement was revised, in part, to clarify the valuation standards for invested escrow principal and the limitations on investment vehicles for escrow principal to maintain the qualified escrow fund in full compliance with state law. Other revisions include changes regarding information required for account statements. The Revised Model Escrow Agreement will be required to replace the current Escrow Agreement as part of the annual Certification starting in 2016.  Inclusion or retention on the Wyoming Tobacco Directory requires that nonparticipating tobacco product manufacturers use a “qualified escrow agreement approved by the attorney general.”  Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 9-4-1205(g)(ii)(A). (Updated June 2016)


Contact Information:

Tobacco Administrator

Amanda Swift

Kendrick Building

2320 Capitol Avenue

Cheyenne, WY 82002 

Phone: (307) 777-6397

Fax: (307) 777-3435


Tobacco Certification

and Directory Rules